My Bright Ideas

Add Glitter and Sparkle to a Drab Pillow

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Have you ever seen a black and white print on a pillow or t-shirt and thought…this is a bit dull…how can I jazz this up? Maybe a bit of glitter paint is needed.

A while ago, I purchased a lot of pillows from Ebay for super cheap…Like $4 each. The price was ridiculous…and so was the quantity I bought! Now I had lots and lots of gifts to give to cat and dog lovers. and housewarming presents.

I really like these two pillows but…. Boring…zzzzz


I love this black and white cat but after a while I thought it was a bit flat. So out came a paint brush and the sparkle paint. 



I tested the glitter paint I had on hand before I put it on the pillow. I don’t like having a trail of glitter after a craft. So I tested the Martha Stewart Multi-surface Glitter paint.



Now that makes it pop!



Here is another one…



I must confess, I will buy just about anything that says “I love you to the moon and back”. It’s something my youngest and I have said for years especially when I tuck her in at night. This pillow is sweet but also a bit plain Jane.


At the moment I only have gold, red and blue sparkle paint. So I used all three.



Wowie zowie this turned out great too!


Thanks for checking out this post. I hope you can find something to add some sparkle to also.

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