My Bright Ideas

How to Make an Easy Infinity Scarf with Zipper Hidden Pocket

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I love scarves! I find a cute pattern or fabulous colored scarf on sale and I can’t help myself! Then I hoard them. So I had an idea to make a scarf with a hidden pocket and thought, instead of using new fabric why not make it with an older scarf I had not used in a long time.

The hidden pocket scarf idea I stumbled upon the last time I was travelling abroad and wanted to be able to keep my passport handy-but hidden while on the journey. Now I am thinking about how handy it would be to walk the dogs with keys, ID and phone hidden in a zipper section of the scarf. Maybe it would be a gift idea for a tween or teenager who isn’t into purses and needs to carry her personal items. 



Here are just a few of my older pashmina scarves. I have bins and bins of them. 

For this project you will need:


I happened to have a small RED zipper so I chose the red scarf. I love it when a project uses old things I have around rather than buying new supplies!


If you are using a pashmina trim off the fringe.

You can also make the zippered infinity scarves out of old clothes, a soft blanket or scarves or new fresh fabric.

For this project I would find a bit of fabric that measures at least 18 x 70 inches (45cms x 177cms).

My scarf was 26 x 69 inches (66 cms x 175 cms). It was even shorter after I trimmed off the fringe and I think it’s a great length-finished its 66 inches long. I prefer it to be extra wide too.

You will need a zipper approx. 7 inches or 18cms long.


Fold the scarf in half, so its long and skinny with right sides facing together. Decide where you would like the zipper to sit. I put mine a few inches from the end. Using pins, mark the ends of where the zipper will go.


Pin along the rest of edge.


Sew along the long edge. Stop sewing where you marked the zipper will be.


Open the gap you left for the zipper and pin one side of the zipper in place. The right side of the zipper should be down facing the right side of the fabric.



Sew the zipper into place on the first side. Flip it over and pin and sew the other side in place. 



Close the gap at the end of the scarf by sewing the seam together.



Now test the zipper.  It’s opening smoothly. Yeah! Leave the zipper open.



Pull one end of the tube through to meet the other end.  Match up the seams and pin all the way around the tube.



Sew all the way around the edge. Be sure to only sew through two layers – we’re making the tube into a circle. Sew the two layers together all the way around.



Pull the scarf out through the open zipper hole.


Great Job! Now try it on!

Use the zipper pocket to hide your phone or passport or other lightweight items. Your belongings will fall down toward the bottom of the scarf. That is cool with me since its easy to grab.


Tuck the zipper towards your body so its not noticeable.

This is a great solution for where to put your things when wearing leggings that have no pockets. Or travelling in an area where you are concerned about pickpockets. Or dog walking….It’s just plain convenient too.

I really enjoyed reinventing my scarf! Thanks for reading this post, feel free to comment if you need more details!

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