My Bright Ideas

Make a Pencil Jar for Autumn

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Yes, we did another Fall kids craft! I just love this season and the leaves and trees are gorgeous.  But I am pretty sure they are about to all fall off and leave us with naked trees. How sad. So I’m holding onto this favorite time of year with crafts, crafts and more crafts.
I am taking a lot of photos too!
This Autumn project is so easy and inexpensive because its all from the dollar store.

You will need:




Using clear glue is important. Originally, I used white craft glue and it dried very white and milky looking.  So that was a craft fail. Meh!

Fortunately, I could pull off the leaves and wash off the old glue and start again.



Glue and stick. Glue and stick. Repeat…repeat…repeat.



My 11 year old worked with me on this. She loves candles so she wanted to make this a candle holder.

Easy gift idea for the kids to make, right?!



She was right it did look great with a candle light. Unfortunately, we are still in “keep the kids from setting the house on fire” protective parent mode – so we only use candles on very special occasions. So in the meantime, this gorgeous jar is going to be a pencil holder.


Thanks for checking out this post. I hope you enjoy Autumn before its gone.

Below are a few more kids crafts I’ve done over the past few weeks. 

Post them on Pinterest or share them on your social media.

See you again soon!

Make Leaf Art – Easy Nature Project!


Easy Fall Kids Craft – Rope and Pompom Trees


Fall Leaf Rubbing – Super Easy Kids Craft!

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