My Bright Ideas

Easy Pom Pom and Cork Coasters

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This project is bright and cheery and ridiculously easy to make! All the supplies can be purchased at a Dollar Store so its super inexpensive too!

You will need:



Gather your supplies!

Initially I used a roll of cork but its too light and curvy (you can see in the photo above that it doesn’t lie flat) so use the 12 inch by 12 inch cork square tiles and cut it to the size you like. I cut mine to 4 inches by 4 inches.



Attach the Pompoms with hot glue. Watch your fingers kids!


My coaster took nearly 40 pompoms and didn’t have enough the same size. You want them to be fairly consistent so your cup of coffee isn’t tippy on the coaster. Fill in any gaps with smaller ones so you can’t see the cork.


The colors are quite cheery on this grey February morning! It makes me smile every time I look at it!

This would make a great gift for your 10 year old to make and give. I hope you have had fun with color and this very jolly craft!

Remember to pin it on Pinterest or share it with your social media networks.

Easy Fall Kids Craft – Rope and Pompom Trees


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