My Bright Ideas

Fingerless Mittens from Socks? Super fun!

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Have you noticed the weather is getting chilly again and your little fingers are getting cold. But where are last years mittens??? Don’t ask me….I have a drawer with 10 single mittens and gloves that I just can’t figure out where the partners have gone to.

Not to worry! It is so easy to make fingerless gloves/mittens from a pair of socks! Find yourself a clean pair of old socks that you can upcycle….or treat yourself to a new pair of socks.

You will need….

Start by resting your hand on the sock and seeing where your thumb will be and the length of your fingers compared to the end of the socks. Mark a little “o” where the thumb hole will be near the bend in the sock.

Cut a small hole at the bend in the sock heel for the thumb and across the top for the fingers. 


Try the sock on your hand and see if you thumb fits comfortably. If it’s too small make it a bit bigger.

The lovely thing about socks. is they are stretchy and comfy. Having your finger tips free means you can type a text, count change for the parking metre and blow your nose without taking off your mitts. Gross…. I know but cold and flu season will be here soon!



Hemming isn’t necessary, because it is knit fabric, so let it roll a bit. So literally, that is all you do to make the fingerless mitten or glove.

Now choose a little something to be the applique on the front of each hand.


I tried this handsome dog but he was too big.



Decide where you want to put the applique and pin it in place.

A quick running stitch is all you need to attach the heart to the mitten.



There, now the mitten applique is in place. You are done!



Easy to add a flower with a button.



Stars are easy too.



Brrr. That was a cold day! Hmmm…hot chocolate!


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