My Bright Ideas

Scrabble Tiles Gift Idea for Kids

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I have a sick kiddo at home (head cold, sneezy, wheezy) and she wants to use my craft supplies to make a gift for daddy’s desk at work. So here is what she came up with a love letter in Scrabble Tiles to Daddy and an old photo of herself.

Where can you get Scrabble tiles? From the board game of course silly! Or from a thrift store or online.

The other day I found myself parked next to an antique store I didn’t know existed. So I went in and found a gazillion things I would love to have and upcycle. The store was AMAZING! One of the items that I bought was a cool old mason jar filled with scrabble tiles.


My sick little darling sorted out the letters into piles while I went rummaging for supplies.

You will need:

I have scraps of wood and often will stain or varnish a few extra pieces in case I want to make a wooden plaque in a hurry. We chose out of scrap options a piece approximately 9 1/2 by 5 1/2.  It was already stained with “Forest” Behr Semi-Transparent stain-which has a subtle green tinge to it.

Another option would be to use a blank canvas from the dollar store. You could paint with inexpensive craft paint in his favorite color or leave it white.

First she wrote out this…awe Mommy is at the top of the list!

I love that she is not bothered that 3 of her M’s are upside down W’s. When you see the letters are crooked its tempting to want to straighten them out but resist! It’s a child’s gift and adds character to the final product.

Arrange the letters and photo to your liking. Hot glue your scrabble letters to the wooden board.

Have your child put a thin coat of glue on the back of the photo. Or if you want to be able to take the photo off later and replace it you could use sticky tack instead!

Would you look at those gorgeous eyes! This gift will melt his heart!

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