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Make a felt coffee cozy! This easy Diy will save your fingers when you use a take away hot drink cup.
Easy DIY to make a knotted fleece blanket. Stay cozy this winter with this easy craft project that has no sewing needed. Anyone can make one!
Easy Autumn Kids Crafts. Make a candle holder gift or pencil holder for themselves. Cheap and easy mason jar project!
How to make leaf art. An easy kids craft for autumn. Take a nature walk and collect leaves twigs pinecones etc. Turn it all into artwork. Fun for all ages.
Make a heart / love sign for home decor using heart shaped pebbles and jute rope.
How to make a pillow out of two bandanas. This is an easy sewing project anyone can do and it looks great!
Want a Rustic Garden? Make a Beautiful Bird House with Twigs and Moss. Inexpensive, easy natural craft project.
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