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Easy DIY Projects

We have been in our little 1950’s home for over 12 years now and I have done a lot of little fixes on the place. Not all of them are fantastic but some of the changes thrilled me to pieces! If only I had taken before and after photos along the way….and maybe jotted down the details I would have a full list of posts for you to read. But sadly….I didn’t think of it at the time. Fortunately with the web and Pinterest, the ideas for new projects are still rolling in. I’m particularly interested in 2×4 woodworking projects, composting and square foot gardening. A lot of these things are seasonal so new projects will be coming in the spring. In Ontario, winter means we are up to our knees in snow and I need my driveway and garage accessible for most of the new projects. Be patient til Spring-then we will have lots to talk about!





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This looks like the beginning of a wonderful friendship!

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