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Lost Sock Seeking Sole Mate-Laundry Room Sign

Lost Socks Seeking Mates Laundry Room Sign

I saw this idea on pinterest and immediately went in search of a left over scrap of wood. I found this 1×6 partial board that happened to be 26 inches long. Perfect no need to cut any pieces because my saw is in the garage and there is a ton of snow in the driveway. More wood diy projects to come when spring arrives in Canada.

So here we are with a cute idea for a laundry room sign to help lost socks make their way back to their mate.

You will need:

A scrap of wood, sand paper, paint or stain, a stencil for the letters, clothes pins, paint brushes, glue, hooks and wire.

Before you get started smooth the front of the board with fine sand paper. This will make the writing a lot easier. Find some sort of paint or stain to start the back ground of the sign. I had my regular craft paint already out and just mixed the white and black and make a nice gray. I liked how streaky it turned out. Once this is dry test out where you would like to put the clothes pins. Be sure to write the message on the board before you glue the clothes pins on. You could use a letter stencil or free hand.

I painted the clothes pins gray and black and then put white polka-dots on them. I love painting polka-dots by using the tip of the paintbrush and dipping it in the paint.

This was my first time using E6000 glue. It is slow to dry compared to my usual hot glue gun but so far its proving to be strong. I left it over night to be sure it was dry. In the tool box I found a little frame kit with wire and these screw in hooks. It was very easy to screw it into the soft wood. Then put the wire through the eye of the hook and wrap it around. That was all there was to it. I had everything for this lying around the house. If you don’t have the hook and wire you could also use picture frame hooks nailed into the back. Instead of wire you could use twine or ribbon.

You could write Lost Sock Seeking Sole Mate or Lost Socks in Search of Sole Mates. However, I was making up one to put on the craft sale table at my work and I wrote Lost Socks Seeking Soul Mates.  I’m not sure how hard it will be to fix it since I wrote it in black paint. It will be hard to cover up. Grrrr. It’s not a funny play on words if you spell the pun wrong. Whoops-a-daisy!

Lost Sock Laundry Sign Lost socks seeking sole mates


Lost Socks Seeking Sole Mate Sweet Laundry Room Sign, Very Easy Project!
Diy make a sign for the laundry room to pin the single socks up when you have lost socks. Cute and practical laundry room hack!
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