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Make a Fall Table Cloth – From Bandanas

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Signs of fall are everywhere. The flowers are scraggly and need to be pulled. Its all very sad to see the colour disappear. So my solution is to buy some bright mums and sew a bandana table cloth for the picnic table (or kitchen table). 


How to make a fall bandana tablecloth. Autumn picnics call for hankerchiefs for a quick sewing project. mybrightideasblog.comI was able to find an amazing collection of bandanas at “a Buck or Two”-its a sort of dollar store where things can cost several dollars. You can also buy bandanas (or search for hankerchief or handkerchief) online. I bought way too many so there will be several more projects to come! 

I wanted an autumn theme so I chose greens, beiges, maroon, blue and brown. It might be a good idea to lay out the squares and take a photo if you want a specific layout. As you stack them up they can get a bit shuffled.

How to make an autumn/fall tablecloth out of bandana/hankercheif. mybrightideasblog.comThey come folded and they are cotton so they really should be washed and dried before sewing to prevent shrinkage and bleeding colours.

You will need:

  • 9 bandanas
  • sewing machine
  • pins
  • scissors

Use hankercheifs/bandanas for sewing projects. Make a tablecloth today! Its such an easy sewing project!

Get out the iron! Iron all the bandanas. Or find a kid who likes to iron….tee hee….

How to sew with bandanas. Make a table cloth with hankerchiefs! Easy sewing projects!


Start by pinning the first two bandanas, right sides together. Bandanas seem to have a slightly longer side. Mine were 20×21. Make sure they are all facing the same direction so are the same width. They are often not sewn straight or square. Fortunately, this project is very forgiving.

Hey who ironed this beige one!? Slacker!


Sew along the edge.

Iron the seems flat.

I started by pinning the top sets of 2. (1/2)

Next, I sewed the 3rd square onto the bottom of the pair (2/3).

As you can see, now I have three strips of three bandanas.

Start by pinning the left line to the middle line. Match the centre seem/corners. Sew the strips together.

Finally, line up the middle corners of the last line of squares to pin it to the last line of squares. Sew them in place to complete the tablecloth. Finish by ironing it. 

Now your done! If you are detailed oriented you could fold over the edge of the tablecloth and sew a hem. But as you can tell I’m not that sort of gal and the bandanas are all finished so there is no edges to fray. If your squares didn’t line up hemming it could correct a jagged edge. Happily mine matched up this time!

Isn’t this little bird adorable. I got it at Canadian Tire! Never overlook your local hardware store’s garden centre. You never know what you’ll find.

Thank you for reading to the end! Please pin this on Pinterest and follow me on your favorite social media!

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3 thoughts on “Make a Fall Table Cloth – From Bandanas

    1. Thanks I had my hubby read it and he didn’t understand. I said its 9 squares somehow you have to put them all together! Clearly we aren’t quilters. LOL!

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