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Make a Candy Necklace = Happy Campers!

Have you got some grumpy kids today? A lull in the summer getting them bored? Looking to jazz up a camping trip…Here is how to turn that frown upside down. Candy!

camping with kids camping hack kids party easy kids project diy with children movie night idea

This is a true tale of 2 girls and a mom on a camping trip……. the kids were all “mom…what is taking so long…I thought you said we were going to the beach…..” whine, whine, etc, etc.

Daddy had to stay home and work so it was just me and my girls, and lets face it they are not very helpful. So after-breakfast clean up was taking a bit of time.

So when I said, “Who wants to help me with a blog post?” They immediately perked up! They knew there was a bag of candy bags from the bulk store that they were not allowed to touch.


How to make an edible necklace. Cheer up grumpy kids with this fun project that they get to eat. Candy necklace or bracelet! Fun!

All the treats for this project have holes in the middle so there is no need for mom to poke it with a sewing needle.

Here is what you need:

  • treats with a hole in the middle
  • cotton string or something to put the treats on (plastic lace was easiest)
  • scissors

Shopping for Treats

The first step, is to hit the bulk store and purchase any cookies, candies or cereal or candy that has a hole in it. I’ve got 2 kids so I bought 5 or 6 of each item-assuming that they will eat or break a few in the jewelry making process. I had lots of little baggies with just a few items in each.

I picked all of these tidbits from our local Bulk Barn. Licorice, cookies, pretzels, sour keys, sour cream hoops, life savers, etc.

Choosing a String

Next you will need something to string your candy beads onto. You can use yarn or fine elastic or string or thread or plastic lace. We found that the easiest for the kids is the plastic lace. This is a rigid plastic that is often woven into bracelets. I picked up a variety of colours in a package from the craft section of the dollar store.

How to make an edible necklace. Cheer up grumpy kids with this fun project that they get to eat. Candy necklace or bracelet! Fun!


I like the idea of the cotton used in preparing turkey dinners, because you know it is intended for food handling. These will be your in the kids mouth after all. But it is a bit more frustrating for the kids to use. It unravels a bit so you need to twist it with your fingers or trim the ends a few times.


Now measure the length of string you’ll need. Make it long enough so your child can just pull it over their head when they want it off. If on second thought, you don’t want them to have access to quite so much candy-make it into a bracelet instead.

A Word Of Caution

This craft is meant for older kids rather than young toddlers. Please watch your child for choking and strangulation hazards. Be safe and have fun!

I didn’t think of this, the girls came up with the idea to tie the first candy as an anchor so the treats would not just fall off the other end as they string more treats on.

While you have them settled into this project its a fine time to give them a little speech about how thoroughly they should brush their teeth later. Or how you would like to increase their household chores…Groan….

Why not? It’s not like they are going to storm off….they have a candy craft in their hands…they have to listen!


Keep on stringing on the treats and when you are happy with it, tie a knot. Now try on your delicious necklace or bracelet.

That is enough candy to last a week long camping trip. Do not eat all of it at once or your belly will hurt!

Now they are happy campers!

Besides camping trips, this is a great idea for a kids party, before a road trip or to pull out on movie night!

Don’t you hate it when your campfire gets smoke in your eyes? Not my girls! They grabbed their swimming goggles! Smart! Carry on reading the comics with happy eyes…

Miss B and Miss M made new acquaintances with some friends in the forest. A chipmunk, a moose a bunny and a fox. Are we the only family who needs a back pack full of stuffed animals on a camping trip?

Have a great summer and get out camping!

Scraptastic Saturday Featuredsm

Make edible candy necklaces and bracelets! Jewelry made from candy! The perfect camping, road trip, kids party or grouchy kid solution!
Make edible candy necklaces and bracelets! Jewelry made from candy! The perfect camping, road trip, kids party or grouchy kid solution!

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Marshmallow Snowman Edible Winter Craft Project

What a fun winter project to do with the kids!  Snowmen made out of marshmallows!Yummy winter project! Make marshmallow Snowmen-mybrightideasblog.comWhat a fun winter project to do with the kids!  Snowmen made out of marshmallows!

This post should probably be divided into 2 sections. The tidy marshmallow family made with toothpicks and icing gel. Or part 2 the crazy looking marshmallow family that was tipping over because of all the candy stuck to them. Much like a making a gingerbread house the second family though a bit ugly was very fun and creative to make….and nibble on.


Marshmallow Snowman Part 1

For this you just need marshmallows, toothpicks and Wilton’s decorating Gel in black and orange.

This is so easy! Just use toothpicks to connect the marshmallows. Draw on dots for the eyes, mouth and buttons, draw on stick arms (optional) and use the orange for the carrot nose.

It takes a few hours for the gel to set so try not to move them right away.


Marshmallow Snowman – Part 2

This time it was much more of an adventure – trying different things to see what would work.

I happen to have 3 sizes of marshmallows in the house-which never normally happen since I only buy one bag of them once a year at camping time for roasting on the campfire and s’mores. But we just made 2 batches of rice crispy squares for a class goodbye party for my daughter’s teacher.


So gather up the supplies, marshmallows, skittles, pretzel arms, gold coins/pepperment patties etc. for hat, toothpicks to hold the body together, licorice and chocolate chips. I walked through the local bulk supply store and looked for things you would use for gingerbread house-like their icing for gluing buttons on.


The chocolate hat made this guy very top heavy. For the gal on the left I ate a chocolate cup and turned the foil into her hat. Eating the snacks along the way is a bit of a problem when you only bought a few of this and a few of that. Tee hee….

This snowman family was a messy bunch of fun. Gluing candy buttons with icing. This is some ugly fun!

Other snowy projects to try….

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