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Add Color to the Garden and Provide Yarn for Bird’s Nests

Suet Bird Feeder – For Bird Nest Supplies

Looking to add a splash of color to your backyard? Wondering what to do with ends of yarn and fabric? Want to help out the lovely birds who wake you up with their sweet melody? Get a suet bird feeder from your dollar store…or maybe you already have one in your garden shed.

In case you aren’t familiar with this product here is a photo. A bird feeder suet cake is a square of bird seed in animal fat. It’s appealing to the home owner (no clean up) and to the birds (yummy food). The cage below is what you pop a suet cake into. We aren’t feeding the birds today though. Today we are using the suet cage to leave pretty supplies for their nests.

This is also a great way to give a purpose to bits of supplies too small for use in other projects. You could use bits of  yarn or strips of fabric cut into 1/2 inch widths and 4 to 6 inches long. I suppose natural fibres would be best…cotton and wool …. Birds are in nature after all.

Years ago we had a lovely dog named Bronte that shed a lot. When we would brush her, my hubby would clean the dog hair out of the brush and put it in my shrubs. This seemed bizarre to me-after it rained there were gobs of soggy dog hair dangling in the bushes. Gross.

Apparently, he was doing this to help the birds build their nests. I guess it’s warm and soft – it could have some appeal, for a bird. It hadn’t really occurred to me that birds would need help making their nests since they have been doing this job on their own since their beginning…but wouldn’t it be cool to find a nest that had some of your yarn or ribbon or fabric in it? birds feel happy that they have found a splash of color for their nests? I love to bring home new cushions or wall hangings. Even if birds don’t get the same joy from re-decorating, I’m sure they will sing you a song of thanks for your bright and thoughtful gift. Tweet Tweet….Chirp Chirp.

Enjoy your day and have a wonderful weekend!

Use a suet bird feeder to leave birds nest building supplies. It also adds a splash of color to your garden.
Provide Bird Nest Material of yarn and ribbons while adding color to your garden. Easy project kids can do!
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