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Add Twinkle to Your Patio with a String of Solar Lights

$20 Solar Twinkle Light Project – No Tools Needed

Usually by this time of the summer I have had enough of the heat and let the weeds take over and the vegetable garden dry up. But this year has been different! This year I have been adding colour to the backyard patio. I have painted the old picnic table and parts of the fence turquoise, the white Muskoka chairs are now red, an old bike is now yellow with plants attached and the entire patio a multi color design.

Give a tired old grey patio a complete makeover by spray painting a concrete mold to tiled effect. A brilliant way to add color to your backyard.

This is what it looked like as the final bit of winter melted away. So dismal! In the summer our garden is lush and private but everything is bare naked in the winter. Grey and bleak….

We have a lattice privacy fence around the patio area that needed a bit of repair and some paint touch ups battered by the winter. This is the going to be the support for the 2×2 pieces of lumber.

Give a tired old grey patio a complete makeover by spray painting a concrete mold to tiled effect. A brilliant way to add color to your backyard.

Below is a pic of the other half of the patio and garage area after I finished painting the patio.

Give a tired old grey patio a complete makeover by spray painting a concrete mold to tiled effect. A brilliant way to add color to your backyard.

Have a look at the painted patio blog post from July.

Paint Old Concrete for a Colorful Patio Makeover

So the next logical step for this backyard makeover is to add some twinkle lights. Being the frugal person that I am-I must brag that I did this project for $20!

First stop – the hardware store….

You will need:

  • 2×2 lumber (3 for $2.70 each)
  • string of solar power lights (sale $9.99)
  • left over deck stain or spray paint (it costs $6.99 usually but I had this left over from the patio project)
  • zip ties (dollar store)
  • cup hooks (dollar store)

Step 1 Spray Paint The Boards

The great news is we use the full pieces so no power tools are needed. Just choose a paint color and get started.

I wanted to make a splash of color so I chose to use my bright orange. I could have used a dark green or left over deck stain or fence paint if I was feeling subtle. But I wasn’t….

Spray the 3 2×2 boards on two sides then allow to dry before flipping them over and doing the other two sides.

Step 2 Add The Hooks


I used mug hooks because you simply screw it into the wood. The hook is twisted into the wood a few inches from the top.

Step 3 Tie The Supports To The Fence

Securing the 2×2 to the fence was easy with zip ties. When we are putting everything away before the snow comes these zip ties will be cut off and my orange light supports will be put away in the garage.

The dollar store or hardware stores have these for super cheep I used the 14 inch zip ties.

If you don’t have a handy fence or deck to secure the wood to, you can find others who have put them in cement in a bucket to create a portable pole. Some use 2×2’s or 2×4’s and even 4×4’s.

Check out this link to a tutorial using barrels and concrete and then turning it into a planter.  Its great if you have no walls, deck or fence to secure it to.

Extend your outdoor living space with a new patio. Use it to create a new space for dining, lounging or a base for a fire pit.


Step 4 Adding The Lights

It’s August, so now is the perfect time to find clearance solar powered lights. Lets give a shout out to solar lights! What a wonderful invention this solar power is. No extension cords to plug it in. No batteries. Just leave the little solar panel out facing the sky.

Turn the light on so it has a chance to charge up with solar energy before sunset. F means flashing, S means static so the lights will be still.


Wrap the solar light cord around the 2×2 support. At the top wrap it around the hook a few times. Next drape it over to the next support. We simply wrapped it around that hook and over to the third hook. Finally wrap it down the third pole and its done.

Next to the bird houses you can see the solar power part. I need to think of how to put it more out of sight since it does need the sunlight to charge it for after the sun sets.

As the sun begins to set, I can see they are lighting up perfectly. Twinkle lights are such a simple pleasure!

Now I feel like calling some friends to come over for a root beer float and having a little party under the lights!

Turn An Old Bike Into a Garden Planter Feature!

DIY Garden Solar Lights Using 2 Wire Planters

Add Twinkle to Your Backyard with Solar Powered Lights. Backyard Lighting is the perfect patio touch. This Diy cost only $20.

Add Color to the Garden and Provide Yarn for Bird’s Nests

Suet Bird Feeder – For Bird Nest Supplies

Looking to add a splash of color to your backyard? Wondering what to do with ends of yarn and fabric? Want to help out the lovely birds who wake you up with their sweet melody? Get a suet bird feeder from your dollar store…or maybe you already have one in your garden shed.

In case you aren’t familiar with this product here is a photo. A bird feeder suet cake is a square of bird seed in animal fat. It’s appealing to the home owner (no clean up) and to the birds (yummy food). The cage below is what you pop a suet cake into. We aren’t feeding the birds today though. Today we are using the suet cage to leave pretty supplies for their nests.

This is also a great way to give a purpose to bits of supplies too small for use in other projects. You could use bits of  yarn or strips of fabric cut into 1/2 inch widths and 4 to 6 inches long. I suppose natural fibres would be best…cotton and wool …. Birds are in nature after all.

Years ago we had a lovely dog named Bronte that shed a lot. When we would brush her, my hubby would clean the dog hair out of the brush and put it in my shrubs. This seemed bizarre to me-after it rained there were gobs of soggy dog hair dangling in the bushes. Gross.

Apparently, he was doing this to help the birds build their nests. I guess it’s warm and soft – it could have some appeal, for a bird. It hadn’t really occurred to me that birds would need help making their nests since they have been doing this job on their own since their beginning…but wouldn’t it be cool to find a nest that had some of your yarn or ribbon or fabric in it? birds feel happy that they have found a splash of color for their nests? I love to bring home new cushions or wall hangings. Even if birds don’t get the same joy from re-decorating, I’m sure they will sing you a song of thanks for your bright and thoughtful gift. Tweet Tweet….Chirp Chirp.

Enjoy your day and have a wonderful weekend!

Use a suet bird feeder to leave birds nest building supplies. It also adds a splash of color to your garden.
Provide Bird Nest Material of yarn and ribbons while adding color to your garden. Easy project kids can do!
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