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Make Memory Wire Bead Bracelets


Making Memory Wire Bracelets

Do you need a GREAT gift idea that is easy enough for a child to make? Want to make a craft you could sell? This post is for you!

What got me started on this idea is the craft table at my work (I work in an office at a financial institution). We have a table that any staff member can put out crafty items and a price tag and see if anyone in the building wants to purchase it. For some reason everyone else has taken their stuff off the table and now its just things I have made. Its a little embarrassing. Seriously, besides a few crocheted baby items everything else is mine! So what can I do to make it less empty and pitiful? Hmmm think think think… Add more stuff silly!

Its summer so I have done is enlisted my kids to make a few items. I pay for the supplies and they get crafting and then they get added to the table. The kids will get a bit of money if things sell. I was thinking of asking $5.00 for these. Everybody loves bracelets right?!

You will need:

  • various small beads (check out the dollar store or upcycle old costume jewelry)
  • memory wire (bracelet size)
  • rounded pliers that twist the wire
  • pliers that will cut the wire (if you only have a pair of needle nose pliers you can still do this project)

What is Memory Wire?

Memory wire is coiled stainless steel wire. Do you remember the child’s toy SLINKY? Its just like that but meant for jewelry making. The fairly fine wire holds its coiled shape. This makes it, hands down, the easiest product to string beads onto.

For this project I would suggest two pairs of pliers. One to cut the wire and a round nose pair of pliers for a loop at the end. If all you have is a pair of needle nose pliers you will be able to make it work.

Measure 3 to 5 rings of memory wire and cut the wire.

Use the round pliers to bend the end of the wire to make a small loop. This is so that the beads won’t fall off the other end. Now your are ready to begin adding beads!

These beads were all $1.25 from the Dollar Tree. I was quite impressed with their glass bead options. Of course, the big craft stores will have a lot more…aisles and aisles of beads in fact. But they will cost more….so look for coupons.

Another option is to go to thrift stores (or your old jewelry drawer) and find old necklaces and bracelets that are wanting to be upcycled. I have lots of necklaces that I made years ago and I love the glass beads but I’m not into them as necklaces any more. Snip the wire or string and empty them into a bowl and reinvent it into a new memory wire bracelet.
Start with a few beads and slide them around to the bottom. Double check that they are secure with the loop to stop them at the bottom of the coil.

Use a pattern or just go freestyle and grab whatever beads come out of the jar.

This one is was all small seed beads. It has a nice dainty look to it. These were from a Dollar Tree package so probably all in all this one cost about $.30 to make. We are going to bring it to a play date tomorrow for my 8 year old’s little friend Lilly. Cool gift made by a kid!

Is that one a little too dainty or boring?

This one has a mixture of brown and clear glass beads all random and mixed up. Notice the dangle beads on the end?

Its so easy to pop a charm or fancy bead on the end of the bracelet.

Every single bracelet will be different. You decide what size and shape. Glass beads, plastic beads, wood beads.


As you can see from this picture of the completed bracelets….sometimes we used a pattern and sometimes we just pinched up a bunch of beads and just put them on the wire randomly.

As you are nearing the end of the wire leave an 1/2 inch or 1 cm at the end.

Using the round-nose pliers pinch the end of the wire and bend it around to form a loop.

Bend it closed. The example below still shows a gap. Pinch it closed tightly-you may need to do the final squeeze with another style of pliers.Here is a picture of my 11 year old working on a blue bracelet. I’m telling you this is a great gift project for kids to do.

Summertime means stick-on fake nails. Try not be distracted by my daughter’s orange nails. My girls are obsessed with fake nails. But then they quickly want them off. This means they will leave scattered plastic nails on the coffee table or their bedside table. This makes their mother CRAZY-CRACKERS!

Its that easy! Now the 8 and 11 year old’s can sell or gift their beautiful bracelets. Even younger children could do this if you help with bending the wire at the beginning and end of the project.

Forget about the kids I love making these! I put 3 together for this photo.

Check out the jewelry stand I made out of scraps of dowel and wood. Its perfect for displaying the finished bracelets on the craft table.

I hope you enjoy making this super easy project. Its rather addictive!

Scraptastic Saturday Featuredsm


Make an EASY Garden Decoration From Wire, Marbles and Beads


Wire Art – Suncatcher / Wind Spinner

This gorgeous craft will make you feel like an artist and is easily made in just 15 mins! Make it in the summer for the outdoors to spin in the breeze or in the winter hang it in the window as a sun catcher.

You will need:

  • marbles, beads, glass stones
  • sparkly nail polish
  • Galvanized Steel Wire 14 Gauge
  • 2 pairs of pliers, one with wire cutting edge or wire cutters
  • clear fishing line

Simply get started with a bag of medium sized flat glass stones from the dollar store.  Put a piece of newspaper or wax paper down to protect your work space.

Paint one side of the stone with sparkly nail polish. Allow to dry.

If you paint the flat bottom side of the stone the glitter shines through so you only need to paint one side. You could do a similar effect by putting glue on the stone and dipping it in a bowl of glitter. We went with nail polish which dries so quickly and we have lots!

After your stones or marbles are ready, cut a 12 inch length of wire. We used 14 Gauge Galvanized Steel Wire. You can cut your sizes longer or shorter depending on your own preference. At times the ends can be a bit sharp so protect your surface by using a scrap of wood or a cutting board.

If you don’t have a jewellers mandrel you can look around the house for something similar. I had a wooden dowel that looks just like the handle of a wooden spoon. Find something to wrap the wire around and use the pliers to further twist and squeeze the wire into the desired shape.

Using flat glass decorative stones will require you to flatten the wire slightly to hold it in place. If you are using marbles the twists will be nearly perfect for sliding the marble in and pinch the wire slightly to hold it in place.

My first attempt at this was a bit frustrating. As I pulled one part of the wire the shape would change and the stone would fall out. But then I got the hang of things. Once you see how cool it looks as the spiral gets a bit crazy it feels like your making a real piece of wire art!

Make WIRE ART Easily with wire, marbles, beads or flat glass stones painted with nail polish. Fantastic gift idea. Suncatcher or Garden Wind Spinner.

You may need to use a use both of your pliers to twist the wire how you want it. This will help to focus bending a particular section of the wire without affecting another part of it that you are already happy with.

Cut a length of clear fishing line. This is a must have for your craft supplies if you don’t already have it. You can get fishing line from the hardware store, craft store and dollar store. It has many uses including bracelet making or hanging decorations from the ceiling when your having a party.

I like how each one turns out completely different. Shape the wire in a tight spiral or loose and whimsical. Add a bead on the end. Or several beads throughout the wire. Use a giant bead instead of a flat stone. Or use marbles!

These are dollar store marbles that you might put in the bottom of a vase. I need to locate some play marbles and see if we can find some cool ones.

These shiny beads are metallic pony beads and very inexpensive (around $3 from Walmart if I remember correctly)For this wire project the hole needs to be fairly wide. Choose beads with big holes if you are using glass beads. I had these left over from a previous bracelet making project. The nail polish used here is a speckled multi coloured one. It looks fantastic in the sun!

So there you have it! Every one of these turns into a unique bit of wire art. Hung from a branch with fishing line will have it spinning in the breeze.

I hope this inspires you to make some wire art suncatchers/wind spinners for yourself. I just made 10 and I’m so pleased with these I think I will keep on making them and try selling them at the craft table at work.

Don’t you love it when a craft exceeds your expectations! You really should try this!

Garden Decoration Wind Spinner Suncatcher Wire Art Painted Stones




Mason Jar Tissue Holder

Painted Mason Jar Tissue Dispenser. Match to wedding colors for an accessory. Dab tears of joy!

Tomorrow a friend’s daughter is getting married and I’m going to pop around to their house today to drop them of this mason jar tissue dispenser. Even for friends who aren’t prone to crying – weddings and daughters and stress and wedding parties and lack of sleep can bring out the tissues for anyone. Might as well be prepared with a jar of tissues that match the day!

You will need:

  • goo gone or lift off if there is any sticky label residue
  • rubbing alcohol
  • a mason jar
  • multi-surface paint (or glass paint)
  • paint brush or sponge
  • sand paper or emery board
  • box of tissues
  • wide mouth jar band

Painted Mason Jar Tissue Dispenser. Match to wedding colors for an accessory. Dab tears of joy!

First of all, we need to clean and dry the mason jar. If there is any sticky residue from previous labels take if off with goo gone or lift off – then wash with soap and water. Wipe the outside of the jar with rubbing alcohol.

Painted Mason Jar Tissue Dispenser. Match to wedding colors for an accessory. Dab tears of joy!

I used a multi-surface, acrylic craft paint from Michael’s-“Pacific Coast”. It was not expensive approx. $3.50. It can be used on fabric, glass, ceramics, wood, metal, plastic, terra cotta etc. Painted Mason Jar Tissue Dispenser. Match to wedding colors for an accessory. Dab tears of joy!

Using a paint brush or sponge, paint the jar and allow to dry. Most likely you will require another coat of paint. It dries fairly quickly.  Leave over night to really allow the paint to dry thoroughly before moving on to the next step.

Painted Mason Jar Tissue Dispenser. Match to wedding colors for an accessory. Dab tears of joy!

Using an emery board or sandpaper, gently rough up raised lettering.

Painted Mason Jar Tissue Dispenser. Match to wedding colors for an accessory. Dab tears of joy!

Next we add the tissues!


Open the box of tissues at one end. Remove half of the tissues, keeping them in a stack. Keep the top tissue slightly pulled up.


Painted Mason Jar Tissue Dispenser. Match to wedding colors for an accessory. Dab tears of joy!

Fold the stack of tissues in half-keeping that top tissue easy to grab.

Painted Mason Jar Tissue Dispenser. Match to wedding colors for an accessory. Dab tears of joy!

Fold it again so it will be slim enough to slide through the neck of your jar. Then gently wiggle the top tissue upwards. Test to see if the next one will follow.

Painted Mason Jar Tissue Dispenser. Match to wedding colors for an accessory. Dab tears of joy!

Screw the ring lid back onto the jar. I like the silver ring lids that come with new jars. If your ring is looking shabby or you want a dramatic look you could easily spray paint it black or soft white before screwing it back onto the jar.

Painted Mason Jar Tissue Dispenser. Match to wedding colors for an accessory. Dab tears of joy!

Looks good!

Painted Mason Jar Tissue Dispenser. Match to wedding colors for an accessory. Dab tears of joy!

I added a little bit of random white and matching ribbons and simply tied a not around the neck of the jar. I also printed a little note that says “tears of joy”. Using a glue stick I pasted that onto a piece of coordinating cardstock. I punched a tiny hole in the papers and tied it into the ribbons.


Painted Mason Jar Tissue Dispenser. Match to wedding colors for an accessory. Dab tears of joy!


Painted Mason Jar Tissue Dispenser. Match to wedding colors for an accessory. Dab tears of joy!

Just a quick footnote!

With this pink jar I tried painting with regular pink and white craft glue. It worked but it was a very mat finish so I put it on a broom handle and sprayed it with a clear topcoat. This had the desired finish and kept my hands free from the paint.

Excellent addition to a Wedding! Tissue holder made from a painted mason jar! Super idea!
Make this easy project from a mason jar, paint, tissues. It can co-ordinate to a baby nursery or wedding party colours.

Make a Lovely Rose Picture Frame!

Make a pretty Photo Frame by gluing on flowers. Great baby shower gift or wedding present! Easy beautiful craft!

Hello there crafty darlings! Is it wedding season or baby season in your circle of friends? If you are looking for a lovely gift idea…I have just what you need! An easy craft that just requires a few dollars at the craft or dollar store and your trusty hot glue gun. Plug in the glue gun and lets get started!

Make a pretty Photo Frame by gluing on flowers. Great baby shower gift or wedding present! Easy beautiful craft!

This project needs just 4 things.

  • Roses ($3.75 Dollarama 3 bunches at $1.25 each)
  • 4x 6 Wooden Picture Frame ($2.00 Michaels)
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Wire Cutters

I discovered some pretty dainty pink roses at my dollarstore. Each bunch had 6 flowers and I used 18 flowers for this project.

Make a gorgeous Wedding or Baby Shower Gift! Rose Flowers on a Wooden Picture Frame. Easy Craft!


The first step is to trim the stem with wire cutters/pliers and bend the wire stem to the side. This style of flower sits very flat on the photo frame making it easy to glue. Wow this project is so easy!


IMake a pretty Photo Frame by gluing on flowers. Great baby shower gift or wedding present! Easy beautiful craft!

Next lay out your flowers and see how snuggly you want them to fit. Begin gluing the flowers on.


Make a pretty Photo Frame by gluing on flowers. Great baby shower gift or wedding present! Easy beautiful craft!

Now pause to admire the beauty and simplicity of this gift. Will you put a photo of the happy couple in the picture frame or their wedding invitation? Or will you put the birth announcement or leave it empty for the expecting parents? Or did you see my last post about putting gift cards or cash in photo frames to add to your thoughtful prezzie.

Giving a wedding present or baby shower gift and wanting to do a cash gift? Why not craft a very pretty frame and put the cash gift in the photo / picture frame.

Voila! This project is done in 5 minutes and off you go to the baby shower with your gorgeous homemade picture frame.

Beautiful Craft Idea! Hot glue roses to a wood photo frame. Perfect gift idea for wedding, baby shower, daughter's bedroom etc. Done for $5.00 in 5 minutes!


Did you see the tummy sticking out in the photo above? That is my belly growing my second daughter. In the end I’ve decided to give the rose photo frame to Miss B to put in her bedroom. She often remembers the happy times when she was an only child. LOL! This is a nice keepsake to remind her that she was very excited to be a big sister. This kiddo was soooo bald as a baby-not a stitch of hair but here she is a nearly 3 years old and it started to come in beautifully! It’s now 8 year later and her hair is long and luscious! Golly doesn’t time fly!


Make a pretty Photo Frame by gluing on flowers. Great baby shower gift or wedding present! Easy beautiful craft!

Wherever you are-I hope you have a super day! Thanks for stopping by!

Snickerdoodle Feature

Make a pretty Photo Frame by gluing on flowers. Great baby shower gift or wedding present! Easy beautiful craft!
Make a pretty Photo Frame by gluing on flowers. Great baby shower gift or wedding present! Easy beautiful craft!
Make a pretty Photo Frame by gluing on flowers. Great baby shower gift or wedding present! Easy beautiful craft!

Give a Money Gift in a Picture Frame

Money Gift Idea - Put it in a picture frame. mybrightideasblog.comIts May and that means it’s wedding and graduation season. Have you been torn when you want to give a gift but can’t decide whether to give cash or a gift alone. Sometimes handing an envelope doesn’t seem like enough or a cute little gift doesn’t feel like its enough.

Gift ideas for giving money.

I like the idea of giving something a bit more memorable. If your budget is tight giving a picture frame with a photo of a special memory together is a nice idea. But if you can, cash is always appreciated.

Years ago, we would travel abroad to see my in-laws and while there, we would visit with family friends. There was the sweetest little old couple-they were so warm and lovely-they knew my hubby and his family his entire life. They aren’t alive now but not forgotten. During the visit, the dear old gentleman would corner my hubby and slip him some cash and say “take your girl out for an ice cream”. I can’t remember how much he gave but it was probably enough for 10 ice cream dates.

Meanwhile, his wife, would shuffle over to catch me and slip me some “lemonade money”. I don’t know if they realized they were both giving us cash gifts at the same time or not. Recently a young couple we are good friends with-were about to leave on a trip to Israel and we gave them a gift of shekels. It wasn’t very much but they were really touched not just for the extra spending money but also that we took the time to exchange the money into the right currency.

Of course, the card read….”take your girl out for an ice cream”.

Money Gift Giving Idea Put Cash in a Picture Frame mybrightideasblog.comFor these two metal frames I purchased 3 1/2 x 5 from Michaels. Home decorating stores have beautiful pearl frames if you want it to be really elegant. Just open the back and put the cash in so it fills the entire area. You will need to fold it over a bit. If you get a 4 x 6 frame you won’t need to fold the money.

Give a Money Gift in a Picture Frame mybrightideasblog.comI like this frame for a graduation gift for a guy or someone who is just starting out in their own place.

Giving a wedding present or baby shower gift and wanting to do a cash gift? Why not craft a very pretty frame and put the cash gift in the photo / picture frame. mybrightideasblog.comThis photo frame would be great for baby shower gift or a wedding present. Its just a $2 wooden frame with flowers hot glued onto it. I’ll show you how I did that later.

Give a money gift in a picture frame. mybrightideasblog.comHave you gotten a surprise cash gift of generosity from someone you didn’t expect it?

Gift cards are increasingly popular. How about a home depot gift card for someone who has just purchased their first home…or pizza gift cards for moving day. Two gift cards fit perfectly into the 3 1/2 x 5 frames!

How to give money and gift cards in a picture frame. Great gift idea for housewarming, baby shower, wedding, graduation. mybrightideasblog.comWhatever you choose to do to show someone you care… demonstrate the generosity you’ve been shown and teach the next generation to be thoughtful and big hearted givers too.


It's Graduation and Wedding time of the year again! Here is a fun idea, put your cash gift into a picture frame.
It's Graduation and Wedding time of the year again! Here is a fun idea, put your cash gift into a picture frame.
It's Graduation and Wedding time of the year again! Here is a fun idea, put your cash gift into a picture frame.

Fingerless Mittens from Socks? Super fun!

Have you noticed the weather is getting chilly again and your little fingers are getting cold. But where are last years mittens??? Don’t ask me….I have a drawer with 10 single mittens and gloves that I just can’t figure out where the partners have gone to.

Not to worry! It is so easy to make fingerless gloves/mittens from a pair of socks! Find yourself a clean pair of old socks that you can upcycle….or treat yourself to a new pair of socks.

You will need….

  • socks
  • scissors
  • needle
  • thread
  • felt scraps

Start by resting your hand on the sock and seeing where your thumb will be and the length of your fingers compared to the end of the socks. Mark a little “o” where the thumb hole will be near the bend in the sock.

How to turn socks into gloves. Easy sewing upcycle mittens project.

Cut a small hole at the bend in the sock heel for the thumb and across the top for the fingers. 


How to turn socks into gloves. Easy sewing upcycle mittens project.

Try the sock on your hand and see if you thumb fits comfortably. If it’s too small make it a bit bigger.

The lovely thing about socks. is they are stretchy and comfy. Having your finger tips free means you can type a text, count change for the parking metre and blow your nose without taking off your mitts. Gross…. I know but cold and flu season will be here soon!


How to turn socks into gloves. Easy sewing upcycle mittens project.


Hemming isn’t necessary, because it is knit fabric, so let it roll a bit. So literally, that is all you do to make the fingerless mitten or glove.

Now choose a little something to be the applique on the front of each hand.

How to turn socks into gloves. Easy sewing upcycle mittens project.


I tried this handsome dog but he was too big.


How to turn socks into gloves. Easy sewing upcycle mittens project.


Decide where you want to put the applique and pin it in place.

A quick running stitch is all you need to attach the heart to the mitten.


How to turn socks into gloves. Easy sewing upcycle mittens project.


There, now the mitten applique is in place. You are done!


How to turn socks into gloves. Easy sewing upcycle mittens project.


Easy to add a flower with a button.


How to turn socks into gloves. Easy sewing upcycle mittens project.


Stars are easy too.


How to turn socks into gloves. Easy sewing upcycle mittens project.


Brrr. That was a cold day! Hmmm…hot chocolate!


Make a Fleece Hat to wear With your Pony Tail

Sew a Super Easy to Make Felt Crown – Add to your dress up clothes!

DIY for Fingerless Gloves out of socks. Then hand sew felt on to decorate it. Super Easy!
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