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Add Colour to a Garden with Rubber Boot Flower Pots

Check out the colour added to my garden by turning old rubber rain boots into flower planters!

In an effort to declutter (an impossible goal for me I’m affraid). We found some rubber boots that we no longer needed. Three pairs of wellies we don’t use because the kids outgrew them or we just realized even in the rain we have other footwear options we would rather wear.  The patterns on two pairs were really cute and the third pair was a classic old black pair. Why not turn them into something fun!

For this project you will need:

  • old boots
  • rocks
  • sand/dirt mixture
  • soil
  • flowers (real or artificial)
  • drill or screw driver
  • spray paint (optional)


Don’t buy new boots for this project. If you don’t have any to upcycle go to the thrift store and look for a pair. They make rain boots in adorable colours and patterns, especially the children’s sizes. Even plain toddler yellow rain boots would look fantastic in the garden. I wish I had saved the girls smallest sizes. They were so adorable and small!

Before you get started, use a wet rag and wipe them clean…especially if you are spray painting them.

If you need to spray paint the boot, of course, do that next. Outdoors on a drop cloth or plastic. Don’t wait to start this project on the hottest day of the year. Our temperature yesterday was rising past 38 degrees Celsius (100.4 degrees Fahrenheit) and the spray paint would not dry! I have never had that happen before…and I have been spray painting things for years!


To get the bottom edge and toe of the boot put your hand right inside and turn it upside down for the second coat of spray paint. Allow to dry completely.

I painted one red and one turquoise. It doesn’t take much spray paint so you can use a colour in a leftover can from another project.



To prepare the boot for some drainage first remove any insoles and then put 3 or 4 holes in the bottom with a drill or screw driver.

The next step is to put a few rocks in the bottom. This will help excess water drain away from the roots and to make it bottom heavy. If you happen to have sand or a mixture of soil and sand add a few inches of that over the rocks.

Then add the soil on top leaving several inches from the top of the boot.


Next add some flowers. I chose petunias because they are so easy to care for and they will fill out the container nicely. 

Place the flowers in the top of boot and add soil in any spaces around the plants.

Thoroughly water! Every time you water it, have a look to see if the soil settled. You might need to add more soil. These are unusually tall planters.

Once every other week, add a bit of fertilizer.

Get a whisk or small broom and clean up the boots.

These would look great anywhere in the garden or next to a fence or on the front porch. Wherever you need some colour. I have a bare patch in a garden that looks like it needs a bit of colour.

By dinner time, my daughter looked out the window and said, “what are all those rainboots doing in the garden?” Tee hee hee!

I love to add colour to the garden. Have a look at some of the other posts I have shared to show more ideas for colourful summer projects.


How to Spray Paint Deck Chair Cushions

Have you had nasty stains on your deck chair cushions. Leaving them out in the rain is part of the problem, or people spilling their dinner, sticky fingers and the kids sitting on the chair immediately after applying spray on sunscreen…. Grrrr

So you could just buy new cushions but that is gonna cost ya! As a bit of a cheapskate I would like to get another 2 or 3 years out of these ones.

My solution is to spray paint…I tried 2 brands and let me tell you about how it turned out.

I’m comparing these 2 spray paints.

Rustoleum Painter’s Touch-Satin-Lagoon


Tulip Color Shot Outdoor Upholstery Spray-Peacock

The truth is the reason I tried 2 spray paints is not simply to experiment with different paints. I didn’t buy enough and ran out of my first bottle and couldn’t find another store that sells it. Fortunately, I found almost the identical color with another brand so I could finish the project.

So let’s get started!

So here is the beige cushions that I have started out with. We bought this loveseat from Canadian Tire 4 or 5 years ago…so it has really lasted well so far. In the back corner you can see the water damage….this is the good side.



This year somebody left a big ugly greasy sunscreen mark. Hello summer!



If you chose a spray paint closer to your current cushion colour you might get away with just purchasing one bottle of spray paint but since my cushion is beige and I’m turning it so dark I need several coats. Definitely get 2 bottles.



To start with I bought one can of Tulip Color Shot Outdoor Upholstery Spray- in Peacock blue from Hobby Lobby.

I love to spray paint things but this one is not even. This paint is supposed to make the fabric still feel flexible and nice to touch. But in my opinion, the way that it sprays is ineffective and wasteful.


This brand does not spray wide so you will get lines like the photo above. This is what the cushion looked like when my hubby came home and saw it. He wasn’t loving this idea. Pretty much it looked like I ruined it and now I’m all out of spray paint. One can covered the one side of the cushion and part of the second side.

I’m an hour drive away from Hobby Lobby so trying not to panic… I let it dry for several days while I searched to find a local store that sells it. No one near me sells it!




After checking 4 big stores I tried the little hardware store near to me. It has a great selection of spray paint. I took in my empty bottle and found a near perfect match with Rustoleum Painter’s Touch-Satin-Lagoon.


This spray paint has a wide even spray.  It took a quick coat from this spray paint and it was nearly done. What a relief! An even and vibrant turquoise. After the paint dried it looked even better. It did need a little bit more coverage so it got another light coat of paint.

I would definitely recommend Rustoleum Painter’s Touch-Satin (Colour: Lagoon).



Looks fantastic right!?!  Make sure you follow the instructions on your spray paint to see how long it would take to dry. I would make sure you have this project done several days before you have a backyard dinner party. You’ll want to make sure its fully dried. I have had no problems with the paint coming off on the pillows or anyone’s clothes. It’s really set and permanent.

Gus approves of the new colour but lovely daughter M feels its not as soft to sit on. True enough, but I don’t mind how it feels. It’s a great solution to the stains and you can stretch the life of your current cushions for a few more years. Plus you could choose from a wide variety of colours and tape off sections to make your own designs.

Have fun adding color to your yard with spray paint…Lets see if I have some other ideas for adding color to things….



Upcycled Frame with Toy Cars


Ready for a super easy craft? You might have all of the supplies at home. If you don’t you can easily pick them up at your local thrift store.

To make an upcycled toy car photo frame you will need:

  • toy cars
  • picture frame
  • spray paint
  • hot glue gun and several glue sticks


I wandered through a newly renovated Goodwill and that’s when I this idea hit me. Find a flat frame and glue something to it! Yeah!  The frame I chose was really out of date with its flowers “Love” on the top. I thought it would be the perfect size to fit a parking lot of cars.

Then I went to bulk toy area and looked at the bags of cars! I chose 2 bags of cars for $3.00 each.

I brought everything home and admired it all….then located some left over spray paint in my painting stash. You don’t need much-so a bottle of spray paint left over from another project is perfect. I had a bright red Rustolium Painter’s Touch called “apple red”.

Take the backing and glass off of the frame and wipe it down with a damp cloth.

Shake up your can of spray paint and lay down some cardboard or news paper. Always spray paint outdoors on a day where there is barely any breeze.

Follow the instructions on your paint as to when to do a second coat. The pattern on this frame wanted multiple coats. It is black on the sides and back so I just spray painted the front. It wasn’t perfectly covered with 2 coats but since we are covering it with cars I didn’t bother with a third coat.


Allow it to fully dry before you begin the next step. I let it dry overnight. You can use that time to wipe down your model cars if they are dusty or sticky.


Now the fun part!

Arrange all the cars around the frame. I used 26 cars in total and would you believe my goodwill bags had 27. If your frame was narrower you could have them hood to bumper around the perimeter of the frame…like a traffic jam. This wide frame was a perfect for my parking lot.

Watch for variety in color as you place the cars around the frame.

Next, you are ready to glue the toy cars onto the frame. Place a dot of hot glue on each wheel. These will be part of the car making contact with the frame.


Put the car back in its place and press firmly. After attaching the toy cars and trucks all around the frame check each one again to make sure that they are secure.

Since this frame will be sitting on a shelf I made sure that the bottom of the cars lined up closely on the bottom with no overhang. Otherwise it could be wobbly. Also, I should mention, that the frame is actually really heavy with 26 cars on it. Put it in a place where it won’t get knocked and fall on a toddler.

That is all there is to this project! Have fun!


Funny Wedding Gift – Marriage Survival Kit!

Are you looking for a funny, creative, imaginative wedding or shower present that won’t cost an arm and a leg? I was inspired to make something completely different for my niece’s wedding. Since I am the nutty aunt lets give them something unusual, something they will really remember.

First of all, I want to give credit to my inspiration….I had googled funny wedding gifts and this is what I found. Everybody loves picnics!

and We are campers and the happy couple had posted some camping trip photos so this happy camper marriage survival kit seemed like a good fit for us!

I will warn you right now that this shopping list will have you zigzagging all over the store. Many of these items came from the dollar store and Walmart. Pick and choose the items you wish to add. When we had everything together we could barely zip up the backpack. Don’t feel you need to use all of our suggestions.

We are a religious family and so are the happy couple so we decided to include a few Bible verses in this light-hearted gift.


Wedding Gift Shopping List

  1. cooler or backpack
  2. matches
  3. gloves or mittens
  4. band-aids or first-aid kit
  5. ice pack
  6. rain jackets
  7. whistle
  8. flashlight or candles
  9. blanket
  10. smores supplies
  11. sunglasses
  12. mosquito netting and/or bug spray
  13. water bottle and lemonade powder
  14. candy
  15. salt and pepper
  16. rope
  17. bungee cord
  18.  smarties
  19.  egg holder
  20.  snacks
  21.  Hershey’s kisses
  22. grapes

So lets go through everything what is going into this gift.

Cooler or Backpack:  You need to decide what it is all going to go into. Will this be a picnic theme, or camping or grab and go bag.


Matches: Fan the flames of Love


Gloves or Mittens: Keep holding hands for years to come.

One pair of men’s gloves and one pair of women’s gloves, needle, thread, plastic bags or stuffing. Sew one men’s left glove to one right women’s glove. Stuff with plastic bags or pillow stuffing.

Cut a piece of red felt into a heart and stick with white thread (or you could use cardstock thick red paper and a white pencil crayon).


Band-aids or First Aid Kit: Bind each others wounds.

Ice Pack: Keep your cool.

Rain Jackets: Be prepared for storms to ahead.

Flashlight or candles: Look on the bright side. Stay positive.

Whistle: Be heard. Listen and communicate.

Blanket: Get wrapped up in each other.

Smores Supplies: Get mushy!

Sunglasses: “Don’t let the sun set with yourself in a provoked state”. Ephesians 4:21. That verse simply means don’t go to bed mad.


Mosquito Netting: Don’t let little things bug you.

Water Bottles and Lemonade: We used water bottles and individual packets of lemonade flavor.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.


Candy: Be a sweetie!

Salt and Pepper Shakers: Thoughtful words and a kind voice is like seasoning your words with salt. “Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer..” Colosians 4:6

Rope: “A threefold cord cannot quickly be torn apart” Ecclesiastes 4:12. This verse is often read at wedding ceremonies. The three in the cord is husband, wife and God. Three cords together are stronger than one or two.

Bungee Cord: Secure your boat so you never drift away.

Smarties: Spend your money wisely…or smartie.

Egg Holder: “What God has yoked together, let no man put apart.” Matt 19:4-6. My hubby thought of this one! Yoked…I love a good egg joke… Tee He He.

Snacks: Don’t get hangry – pack snacks. Beans, trail mix, coconut chips, pepperettes….great non- perishables.


Hershey’s Kisses: Give lots of Kisses!

Grapes: Be Grapeful! Tip-If the gift isn’t going to be opened right away don’t include perishable foods.

Making the Gift’s Cards

The label’s are essential to making the gift funny. I printed them out on regular printer paper.


You will need:

  • Printed labels
  • Scissors
  • Glue Stick
  • Cardstock Paper
  • Hole Punch
  • Twine


Print the labels and cut them out.

Cut the cardstock out to slightly bigger than the label.

Glue the labels onto the cardstock.

Use a hole punch to put a hole in the label for the twine. Tie the twine and label onto each item.

One final thought…The happy couple may not actually take these things on their camping trips. I’m not sure they would actually wear dollar store gloves or a plastic poncho and mosquito nets, much of this is meant as a joke. But the items here are useful for an emergency preparedness pack. I’m a big fan of having a “Grab and Go Bag” in case you need to evacuate your home with no notice. I am going to add a list of what many people recommend to put in your grab and go bag….clothes, toiletries, phone charger, phone number list, photocopies of your ID and your family members.

We packed everything into the backpack starting with the blanket on the bottom.

I included this note with my gift. 

Have fun rolling with this idea! I would love to hear if you put a similar gift together.

Mod Podge Clipboards! Great teacher gift idea!


Upcycle a boring clipboard with Modpodge and Scrapbook Paper! Okay this is not my bright idea. Lot’s of people have done this so I got on “board” with the clip boards too. Tee hee hee!

There are more than one style of clip on clipboards and you can do this with either style. I prefer the above style to hang on a nail with shopping and To Do: lists.  If I’m going to add and take away pages frequently I would use the big solid clip style.  Today we are jazzing up boring old clipboards!

You will need:

  • a brown clipboard
  • scrapbook paper
  • pencil and scissors
  • mod podge or craft glue
  • 1 foam brush
  • gift card or credit card (that you don’t want to use again)
  • letter stickers (alphabet)

Size is important-use 12 x 12 sized scrapbook pages.

I found this book of scrapbook paper on at Walmart. The pages appealed to me because it looked like a spring country quilt. It has 50 sheets in the book and I think it cost $8.00. That is great value lots of left overs to make other items around my workbench to match!

Trace the clipboard with pencil onto the back of the scrapbook paper. Carefully cut out the shape on your pencil line.


Before you add any Mod Podge test out the paper on the front. You can cut around the metal clips and/or add pieces to make it solid at the top. I was working with my daughters for their teacher’s gifts so I kept it simple and just pushed the page up to the clip. Trim any excess very close to the edges.


Spread Mod Podge on the front of the clipboard. It requires a lot because the clipboard will absorb a lot of the Mod Podge. You could probably prime the clipboard with paint to help this but it would add on an extra day for the paint to dry. We left this project to the last week of school and had to work quickly.

The next step is most important, so take it slowly. Have a helper hold the clip open for you. Sort of hover the page over the clipboard. When it looks perfectly lined up push it into the Mod Podge. It’s pretty impossible to move after this step so its a little nerve racking.

Use the gift card to smooth ripples and bubbles guiding them away from the centre and out towards the edges.

Apply a generous coat of Mod Podge, spreading it out and make it smooth and even. Avoid tiny bubbles. Allow it to dry thoroughly. This can take several hours.  Apply another thin coat.


To personalize each clipboard we found some bold letter stickers in the craft department of the Dollar Tree. We bought several packs so we didn’t run out of letters. The girls had several teachers and school staff they wanted to make these gifts for. One teacher was leaving the school and getting married so instead of putting her married name on it…because we didn’t know it…we just put a message on it.

For the music teacher we put a page of music notes and the words to the song “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” on his clip board. She had noticed that was a favourite song of his. Nice touch right?! 

The best teacher gifts are ones that are thoughtful, useful, original and a personal touch. My daughter was so delighted to see the music teacher carrying her gift on the first day of school in September.

This collection of 4 clipboards are on my wall are next to my work bench. This is where I can post sticky notes, to do lists, clip my receipts.

I love my lazy Susan’s for spinning around paint supplies. I won’t take a photo of the workbench today as it looks like a mad scientist’s lab (crafts more than science) has exploded. When you hop from Mod Podge to Rock Art to Sewing to Kids Crafts…the work tops gets a little nutso!

I hope you are inspired to make yourself a some clipboards for gifts or to use for yourself. The results are really cool!



Upcycle Sweater into a Wool Skirt or Bum Warmer for Winter!



Have you been ice skating or waiting for the bus and felt a cold gust on your behind?  Can you get your hands on a wool sweater you don’t mind chopping up for parts? Keep reading and I will tell you how to make an upcycled skirt or BUM WARMER and if you like…put a dog applique on it.

You will need:

  • a wool sweater
  • scissors
  • sewing machine
  • elastic

For the optional Dog Applique-you will need:

  • embroidery floss (brown, black, cream)
  • needle
  • felt (cream and brown)
  • paper and pencil
  • scissors
  • 1 black bead (optional, you can do with out a bead and sew a black dot on)How to make a small dog sweater by upcycling a wool sweater. Easy to make and no sewing!


Do you remember the wool sweater above? It’s been upcycled before and now we are cutting it up for more parts! You might already know this but knit sweaters will unravel if you just cut them. So you need a sweater with wool in it. When you wash the sweater in hot water and put it in the dryer it will shrink and “felt”. This prevents it from unravelling. Now we can cut it like it’s fabric.


The sleeves are already gone to the dog, now we are going to use the best part! The area below the armpit could be made into so many things! A purse, tea cozy, slippers, mittens, big dog sweater….So many ideas so little time. If you would like to see what we did with the sleeves scroll to the bottom of the post.

Cut straight across the sweater.



Fold over the top one inch (2 cm), and pin in place.



Sew almost all the way around to make a casing. Leave a 1 inch gap to slide the elastic inside.


If you don’t put on the applique and decorate it with felt then slide the elastic in now. However, since I wanted to add something fun to the booty of the bum warmer, I’m going to insert the elastic as the final step.



Cut a page in half. Find a photo of what you would like to applique on the bum. I recommend a flower or an animal that is really simple. This dog was found when I searched for dog felt projects or how to draw an easy dog. I tried to copy the simple dog I found.


Pin the page to your felt and cut out the dog applique.


Try on the bum warmer and pin the applique into the area you would like to have it. It can go on the front or the back.


Grab your embroidery floss, needle, scissors and black bead.



Hand sew the applique on using embroidery floss. I used matching thread but you could make it stand out by using a contrasting thread. I just did a very quick running stitch to attach the dog to the skirt.



Then I added the ear and too spots to his behind.

The last step is to insert your elastic. I like to put a huge pin on the end of the elastic and insert it into the 1-2 inch gap we left. Then wiggle it through the casing. When you get it all the way around the waist area and back to the gap, pin it to the other end. Check to make sure that the elastic didn’t get twisted. Adjust to the desired width.  Try the skirt on again and test out the size. If you are happy sew the elastic together and remove the safety pin. Machine sew the casing closed.

This sweater will fit a preteen daughter to an adult XL woman. As long as the elastic is comfortable, the wool will stretch with your size. I could have tightened the elastic and made it a skirt for my 8 year old too. If you find its getting a bit stretched out just wash it again. Use warm water instead of hot and warm dryer so it doesn’t shrink too much.

Make Hand Warmers or Ice Packs


How to make a hand warmer for your cozy winter mittens. Also great for cold packs for kids bruises.

Easy to Make Hand Warmers or Ice Packs

Last year I tried my hand at making a long soothing lavender/rice pack and I LOVED IT! Perfect for sore muscles, tense shoulders or out of the freezer when you need a cold pack. (Link Below)

When summer came I thought how nice it would be to have an ice pack when you hurt yourself. So I put the rice/lavender pack into a Ziploc bag and left it in the freezer to cool. Since its winter, and cold, I’m posting this time a smaller one to warm up your mittens or socks.

What you will need:

  • cotton fabric scraps
  • scissors
  • sewing machine
  • needle and thread
  • uncooked white rice
  • lavender (optional) 
  • essential oils-lavender, peppermint, citrus etc (optional)


Cut fabric to the size. 3 x 3, 4 x 4 or 5 x 5inches. (I chose to make mine 5×5)


Sew all the way around the fabric leaving a 2 inch gap.



Trim the corners off.



Turn the square inside out by pulling it through the 2 inch gap.



If you like the smell of lavender add a pinch to the uncooked rice. When it is warmed in the microwave the lavender smell will get stronger.


I used my gravy boat to help pour the rice and lavender into the hole.

Fill the square fairly full but not rock hard. Fold over the edge and sew the 2 inch seam closed with a needle and thread.

Make cotton hand and feet warmers to pop into the microwave and then into your mittens or socks. Easy quick sewing project!

To keep it away from my ice cubes I keep the rice packs in a ziplock bag in the freezer for ouchies.

Rice Hand Warmer or Ice Pack with lavender-Easy Sewing Project!

As a warm pack I still store them in ziplock bags while not in use. Microwave for 30 seconds each and hold onto it or pop into your mittens to warm up you hands.


Upcycle Jeans into Wine Gift Bags!

Repurpose Jean Pant Legs Into Wine Bags!

Want to bring an original hostess gift to a casual dinner party? Dress up your wine bottle with a pair of old blue jeans! 

This will get your mind inspired for other upcycling and gift wrapping ideas too!

You will need:

  • Blue jeans you don’t mind cutting up (child’s size would be ideal)
  • Sewing machine or needle and thread
  • Ribbon/String/Twine
  • Burlap for bow or something else you can add to embellish


As long as the jeans are freshly washed it doesn’t matter if there is fraying on the cuff. We want the bottom of the jeans to be at the top so it can add character.

The pant leg opening should be around 6 inches (15cm) wide. So skinny jeans or children’s jeans are perfect.  I picked up 4 pairs of kids jeans from my goodwill for around $3 each. I will be making more blog posts out of the scraps and pockets too. Save any decent leftovers when you are done.

If your jeans are adult size, no problem you can trim the pant leg width and make a seam.

Cut the pant leg approximately 15 inches (or 38 cm). This will give you a bit extra for the seam on an average 13 inch bottle.


Turn the pant leg inside out and pin closed.



Sew straight across the bottom 1/2 inch or 1 cm from the edge. You could hand sew this if you don’t have a sewing machine.



Now flatten the bottom of the bag and pin 1 inch (2.5 cms) from each corner. This will make your bag more boxy at the bottom and easier to stand up. Stitch across this line.

Cut off the triangles on the outside of your last stitch. Turn it right side out again.


See what I mean? Boxy on the bottom to help it stand up.


Now decide how you would like to decorate it. Put the bottle of wine in the bag and tie a ribbon or piece of twine.

If you like the felt pink flower in the photo on the left have a look at my cup cozy project link at the bottom of this post.

I also went a bit nuts with hot glue gun and pompoms in the photo on the right. Maybe you should save that for friends with a great sense of humour. Your accountant friends might think its a bit ridiculous! (no offence to the accountants)

This bow is so easy to make and versatile for other project too!

I hope this has inspired you to dazzle up a hostess gift of wine!



Easy Dog Coat from an Upcycled Sweater


How to make a small dog sweater by upcycling a wool sweater. Easy to make and no sewing!

Make your little dog an easy winter sweater by repurposing one of your own!

You know how you should never, ever wash a wool sweater in hot water or put it in the dryer? Well that is exactly what you need to do today to make a little dog a wool coat.

We have a little girl named Gemma who is a Yorkie/Poodle mix. This is the perfect size for her. She is 9 lbs and loves to share your toast. She gets chilled easily so she loves it when her momma makes her a new coat or sweater.

You will need:

  • a wool sweater (or wool blend with at least 50% wool)
  • scissors
  • tape measure or ruler

Start by washing your wool sweater in hot water and machine dry it. This will shrink the wool and “felt” the stitches of the sweater so that it will not unravel when we cut it. You could wash and dry the sweater a few times to further shrink it.

Lay the sweater on a flat surface and cut the sleeve off at the shoulder seam.


Also cut off the cuff.

Lay the sleeve flat with the seam in the middle facing upwards. I cut 2 small leg holes 3 inches apart.

Cut the holes small because the sweater will stretch after a day or two of wearing it. 

This photo shows a much bigger hole after Gemma wore it for 3 days. She gets cold with the weather changing so she sleeps in it at night too.
This photo shows her right after I made it. Her fur is very scruffy and adorable….but matted. So we took her to the groomer.

And here she is after grooming and smelling like cookie shampoo. She is so darling. The sweater size looks bigger because of her haircut and because of stretching. When we toss it into the washer and dryer it shrinks back to perfect size again.

That sweater had two arms, of course, so we can make a second one for her to wear on laundry day! Hurray!


Make a Fleece Tied Blanket – Easy No Sewing

The No Sew Fleece Blanket

A few weeks ago we went to watch the sun set on Lake Huron. It was October so it was chilly. We took 3 friends, a thermos of soup and a few blankets and it was amazing!
We went with some dear friends from England who have never seen how vast the great lakes are. They were amazed by it of course but one friend also marvelled at our knotted fleece blanket.
She had never seen a knotted blanket like this before. This is not a new idea – we were given our first when we had our 2nd daughter 8 years. But I’m always up for a project and as a family that loves to camp and sit around the campfire-we can always use more!
So, I thought I would make another one and create the basic instructions.


My daughter loves dogs so when I saw this fleece  at Joann Fabrics-I grabbed it. It’s so cute wish I had gotten more to make a dog pillow or bed.

I prefer my fleece blankets to have a pattern on one side of the blanket and a co-ordinating color on the back. I chose a bright red to be the second color to match this awesome dog fabric.

To make this project you will need:

  • fleece fabric in 2 co-ordinating colors. I had mine cut to 55 inches long
  • scissors or rotary cutter and mat
  • ruler or tape measure


Fleece fabric often has one side with writing and the other side will be curled. Start by trimming off these rough edges.



Lay the fabric on the floor-you need a huge workspace. Stack the two layers of fabric on top of each other and make sure it is a perfect match. If one piece is slightly longer, trim it.

When it’s as close to perfect as you can get it, trim off 4 inch squares off of each corner.



Without moving the fabric, cut the edge of the fleece into strips 1/2 wide, 3 inches long. Cut each strip through both layers of fabric. 



Take the fabric strip from the top layer and the bottom layer and tie them together to make knots. Do this on every single strip. Make sure you match the top to the bottom to catch every single ribbon. 

This is a slow process so turn on a movie if you get bored. 



Cutting and knotting is a long and slow process but that is literally all there is to it. It’s so crazy easy to make, the kids could do it. 

Easy DIY to make a knotted fleece blanket. Stay cozy this winter with this easy craft project that has no sewing needed. Anyone can make one!

This girl loves her furry siblings so much! Look at these pooches, the feelings are definitely mutual!



Gemma is always up for a photo shoot for momma’s blog posts. 

Now you have a cozy blanket to take in the car, campfire, couch, bed, deck chair or beach….you should have a few of these as the weather gets chilly.

Thanks for visiting my website! I’d love it if you would Pin this on Pinterest or share it with your Facebook friends or other social media.

See you again soon!

More cozy fleece projects below!


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